MidJourney 5.1
Poster Design Concepts
Design ideas for a new poster for the podcast "Martini Giant".
Summer 2023
design Criteria 01:

The concepts have to incorporate the Spirit of the West, violence, higher end alcohol, Sexy Women, Trains and older men with "Vengeance" on their mind.

design Criteria 02:

Everything from Criteria 01, but in a late 1960's early to mid - 1970's Western Movie Poster Style.

design Criteria 03:

Upon completion of meeting the needs of design concepts 1 and 2, abandon the idea of designing a poster altogether and prepare to do this again in six months.

Endless Ideas

Using MJ can be incredibly useful, turning your initial prompts into a great rabbit hole of discovery. Not everything needs to be used, but the textures, composition and tone can be a great inspiration.

So instead of saying AI is stealing, just look at AI as like Pinterest or a look dev. board.

They are ideas to move you forward.

They are ideas to move you forward.